Road Trip!!!

I'll admit, I was hesitant to go on this road trip. I didn't have very much money saved up, I get car sick easily and I was slightly tempted to spend my whole break in bed watching Netflix. 

But when we found out how little money would be required, I forced myself to say yes. And man am I glad that I did—this turned out to be one of the greatest weeks of my life!

No, it was nothing like your typical idea of Spring Break with beer bongs and boobs, but it was still pretty damn good. The 15-hour drive (one way!) was peaceful and beautiful. We saw the Smoky Mountains, ate a lot of McDonald's breakfast and listened to a million episodes of the Brilliant Idiots podcast. 

On the way there, we stopped and spent the night in Nashville. It was a gorgeous 85 degrees out and the sun was shining (until it wasn't and we thought we would be struck by lightning). 

The next day we drove all the way to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. And though the sun was already down by the time we arrived, we ordered a pizza and enjoyed the beachside hot tub.

Wednesday was by far the best day—the only day without hours of driving! We slept in, enjoyed a nice breakfast and then spent most of the day on the beach. It was too chilly to swim (about 65 degrees) but the sun was still warm and we did a polar plunge into the ocean that was SO refreshing.

Wednesday afternoon, we ventured over to the nearby T.I.G.E.R.S. wildlife preserve. While there, we got to hold a wolf pup that gave us sweet puppy kisses, two baby monkeys wearing diapers (!!!) and this gorgeous tiger cub. 

Thursday we woke up at dawn and had to say goodbye to the ocean and palmettos. We drove all day and arrived in Chicago at 10, absolutely exhausted and ready to be home. 

What are some of your guys' favorite road trips? Let me know in the comments below! 


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